Authors: Bill Harrison Adam Nisenson Ray Roth Christof Bentele


This on-demand webinar equips you with critical information about the risks in the manufacturing supply chain and discusses how we can help you reduce your overall total cost of risk.

Key takeaways

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the risk landscape through supply chain recall statistics and evolving threats.
  • Explore risk transfer options by delving into product recall policy capabilities and program design.
  • Discover mitigation and loss services to effectively manage potential recalls.
  • Hear from experts about the underwriting perspective, including insights on what constitutes a good submission and the elements of your risks that are most important to the underwriter.
  • Learn about crisis consulting and the claims process to ensure you are well-prepared in the event of a recall.

Duration: 60 minutes


Author Information

Ray Roth

Ray Roth

Director — Disputes, Claims & Investigations, Stout

Christof Bentele

Christof Bentele

President, Nexus Specialty Casualty