The risk of violence across all industries in our nation has steadily been on the rise for the last several years. And these unfortunate events invariably bear unforeseen and unbudgeted costs.

The risk of violence across all industries in our nation has steadily been on the rise for the last several years. And these unfortunate events invariably bear unforeseen and unbudgeted costs.

In a recent report on active shooter incidents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it was revealed that we are seeing more active shooter incidents than ever before. Even worse, four of the ten deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history have occurred since 2016.

Due to this increased exposure, Gallagher has worked with the insurance marketplace to offer enhanced coverage for these types of events as part of our continued effort to protect your business and mitigate your level of risk. Below is a brief description of a few of our products and services Gallagher has to offer.

Insurance & Service Products
Crisis Protect Mini & Maxi
  • Comprehensive crisis management products
  • Combines indemnities for 1st party, 3rd party and response
  • Includes pre- and post-incident risk management services for a wide range of security events
  • Covers some crisis consultant costs
  • Gallagher-exclusive programs
Violent Assailant Coverage
  • Coverage designed to protect a client from the outcome of a violent-assailant event
  • First party losses covering Business Interruption, Extra Costs and Expenses, and the costs of Repurpose for buildings
  • Crisis response expenses
  • Liability arising from bodily injury/property damage and defense expenses
  • Contingent coverage for loss of revenue and extra expense as a consequence of an event taking place at an alternative location
  • Gallagher-exclusive program
Service Only Offering 
Resilience Direct
  • Integrated crisis preparedness and resilience solutions
  • Inclusive of all hazard types
  • Five-step approach to preparing and managing crisis 
You manage your program. Let us help you manage your risk.

You deserve more than “off-the-shelf” solutions. We are happy to show you how our expertise can make a difference in addressing your risk. We have been doing it for more than 90 years! For more information on these coverages and solutions, please contact your Gallagher advisor today.