All licensed operators are required to meet the insurance terms imposed upon them by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) prior to a licence to operate will be issued. In addition, the Rolling Stock Leasing Companies also impose contractual obligations upon Operators to ensure their assets are protected whilst out on lease.
We can offer an insurance package to meet these requirements and can assist in liaising with other industry bodies regarding insurance related matters.
We understand the risks that the railway industry faces every day - from health and safety to franchise renewal and tendering, to negative publicity due to service, strikes and industrial disputes. For 20 years, our team have been working with the rail industry and using our extensive knowledge of the sector to secure suitable cover for your business.
We currently manage the insurance requirements for eight UK TOCs, more than any other UK insurance broker and have involvement with a number of overseas operations.
We can also offer you a Directors’ and Officers’ policy which will offer financial protection to any director, partner or officer of your company, including cover for breach of duty of care under the Corporate Manslaughter Act, especially in relation to Health and Safety.
We can also provide you with risk management advice and services to help you manage your day to day exposures and reduce the risk of a claim.