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SchoolSHARE : Cyber is a collection of tools and services for Gallagher clients who want to take a proactive and continuous approach to managing their cyber and information security risk. It includes access to cyber risk specialists and offensive security technology to help you defend your organisation against cyber incidents. The following tools and services are included when you become a member of SchoolSHARE: Cyber:

Cyber Audit

Our comprehensive audit can identify your vulnerabilities and the remediation required. We then develop a 12-month risk improvement plan to improve your cyber strategy, defences and resilience which could include elements such as; staff training or awareness campaigns to reduce people risk, design of processes, procedures and board level reporting templates to ensure visibility and control, and accreditation to information security standards such as Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus and IASME Governance.

Threat intelligence

As a cyber-insurance broker we deal with a large number of claims, gaining extensive intelligence on the latest threats and methods of attack. From boundary control, email security and phishing to working from home, data protection and more, through our regular communications we will share updates and insight on where your school needs to be focusing its cyber defence efforts.

Vulnerability Scanning

Our cyber defence team will monitor your external boundaries and provide you with updates every 14 days as to the known vulnerabilities within your technology portfolio. This report will outline where your low, medium and high-risk technology vulnerabilities reside.

Dark Web Scanning

Gain access to our technology platforms scanning and monitoring the dark web for mentions or statements about you or your school. We will provide you with updates if your name/domain or company is a victim of criminal activity.

Cyber Essentials

Through SchoolSHARE: Cyber, you can take advantage of preferential rates on Cyber Essentials and IASME accreditation. Cyber Essentials is the government-backed information security standard that offers 70+ controls to better secure your network.

This unique, holistic approach is focused on the cyber and threat intelligence required to continually tackle the cyber problem in schools—enabling you to adapt and evolve as you need to.
Georgia Price-Hunt, Cyber Risk Consultant

In addition to the above, you can take advantage of the wider cyber security services that are available through Gallagher’s Cyber Risk Management team, and receive preferential pricing as a SchoolSHARE: Cyber member. Services such as penetration testing, phishing simulations, ISO 27001, incident response planning, maturity assessments and more, are all available to you when you become part of our community.

Types of Attacks

  • Malware: Malicious-Software
  • Viruses: Require user intervention (clicking)
  • Trojans: Hides until called upon remotely.
  • Botnets: roBOT NETwork, part of a wider collective.
  • Ransomware: Encrypts files until paid.
  • Rootkits: user level privileges.
  • Keyloggers: log a user’s keystrokes – can be software or hardware.
Cyber Risk
We will help you guard your network from potential threats, both seen and unseen, through an ‘always on’ approach to cyber security.
Johnty Mongan, Head of Cyber Risk Management

What does SchoolShare: Cyber cost?

This service is charged at a fee of £2,495 plus VAT per school per year. For Multi-Academy Trusts, an additional £550 is charged per school. For more than 15 schools, please contact us for a tailored quote.

Would you like to talk? Please contact your Gallagher Account Executive or alternatively, contact our Cyber Risk Management practice team: 0800 612 9949

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