Helping to reduce your claims & premiums

Enterprise risk management provides a framework for policies, tools such as risk registers, risk assessment, and processes such as event notification and root-cause analysis.

Business risks change all the time, as do regulations and legislation. Your key concerns today might include Brexit, cyber risks and data protection – but what might tomorrow bring? That’s why it’s good to have access to an extensive team of specialist, multi-skilled risk management practitioners willing to offer the benefit of their knowledge and experience.

Our enterprise risk management consultants can review your existing arrangements, offer their professional opinion on how improvements could be made, deliver the necessary training, and/or implement a framework to support your risk management approach.

We’ve worked hard to build strong relationships with some of the leading UK insurance underwriters. Many of these recognise our reputation for delivering technically strong and relevant business risk management advice. We also have relationships with key organisations associated with enterprise risk management, such as IRM, the BCI, McKinsey & Company, Airmic and FERMA.

Enterprise Risk Management

  • Our risk management consulting can help build your resilience to risk
  • We can help you understand and meet your regulatory requirement
  • Get specialist support with your strategic risk assessment and control
  • Our specialist team has extensive experience across many industry sectors

We link our risk management advice to your insurance placement. This helps insurers to have more detailed, reliable information about your risks and your approach to risk management. This can help to create a more competitive marketplace for you.

Person Image

Neil Hodgson

Managing Director, Risk Management Solutions & Business Assist