Along with these FAQs, please remember to read your policy documents carefully, paying particular attention to any exclusions, endorsements and limitations.

Along with these FAQs, please remember to read your policy documents carefully, paying particular attention to any exclusions, endorsements and limitations.
If you prefer to pay your insurance in monthly instalments, then you will require a credit facility to cover the cost for you so that you may pay on a monthly basis. We work with a third party finance provider called Premium Credit Limited (PCL), which manages monthly instalment payments.
We act as a credit broker and we are not a lender. If you have opted to pay by monthly direct debit, we will pass your details to PCL and they will make a credit decision about you, which may include a credit check being carried out. Please let us know immediately if you do not consent to us sharing your details with PCL. If PCL agrees to provide you with credit you will receive a welcome pack including a credit agreement from PCL, which you will need to sign and return to PCL. Failure to return the credit agreement within 14 days of their letter will result in an administration charge of £10.00. We may receive a commission for introducing you to PCL.