Welcome to the latest edition of Plane Talking – Gallagher’s quarterly specialist Aerospace publication
Plane Talking

Having left the summer months behind us, many of us find ourselves with fewer pandemic restrictions on our daily lives and businesses than at this time last year. Encouragingly, there is an increased sense of positivity amongst the aerospace industry with analysis suggesting that consumer travel demand remains strong and that a recovery is underway. From an insurance perspective, things also seem to be improving pointing to a more positive buying environment on the horizon.

In this penultimate edition of Plane Talking in 2021, we cover a broad range of topics including:

  • The latest Lead Lines article from Mike Hansen, Head of Aerospace at Convex Insurance UK, discussing the future of the aviation insurance product and potential opportunities to explore innovation.
  • Commentary on market conditions in the core aviation segments with articles from Gallagher's Aerospace specialists.
  • A round-up of the latest market personnel moves and a brief Gallagher update.


We hope you find this edition informative, and if you would like to discuss any of the topics in more detail please get in touch using the details below.