This episode of our Navigating Risk podcast series focuses on some of the challenges that the hospitality sector has been facing in the UK.

Our Host Helen Yates, Editor of Global Thought Leadership, talks to Nassar Khalil, Founder and Chief Executive of Rogue City Hotel Group. Nassar shares his thoughts on whether we’re facing an altogether riskier world.

Listen to Nassar and Helen discuss some of the challenges that the UK hospitality sector has been facing in previous years and some of the key trends that organisations and business leaders in the UK should be considering.


Helen Yates: "Hello and welcome to the Navigating Risks podcast, my name is Helen Yates and I’m Gallagher’s Editor of Thought Leadership. Today I’m joined by Nassar Khalil, Founder and Chief Executive of Rogue City Hotel Group. The hospitality sector has been hit, as many other sectors have, by a succession of crisis in recent years. I began by asking Nassar if it feels like we’re operating in an altogether riskier world.

"Should we start, if it's all right, Nassar, by getting a little bit of background in terms of who you are, what you do, and your experience, particularly in the hospitality sector."

Nassar Khalil: "Yes, well, Helen, thank you for having me today. I have been in hospitality, by way of background, for the last 28 years. During this time, I've pretty much done it all. I started my career with Hilton, worked all the way up, worked with Marriott, and then worked for Nico Hotels, I was the Head of Global standards. I joined the boutique hotel trend in London. I was involved with Ampersanders and went on to launch Kensington rooms which was a top boutique hotel in Kensington, an award-winning venture.

"Thereafter, I was invited by a private capital house to launch a new hotel business, a new hotel venture, which I did from scratch, designing the concepts, and then went on to launch the concept as its Ops Director and also a shareholder in the business. I sold out at the end of 2011 to essentially work at a very exciting seven-star project in Doha in Qatar for the Qataris sovereign fund. I went there as Chief Operating Officer to launch basically their best hotel where the dignitary stays, all of the Heads of States stay, and so on."

You can find out more about Nassar’s thoughts about the hospitality sector by listening to the full episode of our Navigating Risk podcast. Keep an eye out for the next Navigating Risk discussion where Helen will speak to Yamin ‘Mo’ Khan to discuss the challenges facing a high growth business in a highly regulated sector.


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