
Gallagher has been made aware of a business that has been incorporated and is trading under the name of Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) Concept Limited. The business was registered at Companies House on 29 April 2024.

Neither the directors and officers, nor the business of Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) Concept Limited is related to or in any way connected to the Gallagher group of companies, and we have not authorised the use of the “Arthur J. Gallagher” name for this purpose. We have objected formally to the incorporation of the name at the Company Names Tribunal and have contacted the sole director to seek undertakings that they will immediately cease trading under this name and for the registered name to be changed. Our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, has also been made aware. You can check whether an entity you are dealing with is authorised and regulated by the FCA at

Registered trading names for the Gallagher group include 'Gallagher', 'Arthur J. Gallagher (Specialty)',
'Arthur J. Gallagher', 'Arthur J. Gallagher International' and 'Gallagher Re'.