Who needs to register with CQC?
Any person or company who provides a ‘regulated activity’ in England must register with the CQC1, whether they are an individual, organisation or a partnership. It is crucial to understand what regulated activity will be conducted and who will be responsible for it before deciding a CQC registration.
Regulated activities include personal care, such as helping with daily duties, medical treatments, maternity and midwifery services, nursing care, and the provision of accommodations for people needing nursing or personal care.
In terms of businesses, domiciliary care organisations which offer personal care in people's homes, GP practices that provide medical services and treatments, and care homes including residential and nursing should register with the CQC. Other businesses include dental offices, hospitals, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment.
Why do I need to be CQC registered?
CQC registration is a legal requirement under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. Any service provider who is in day-to-day charge of delivering a regulated activity must be registered with the CQC. Some providers' registrations also include having a registered manager who needs to adhere to all other regulations and laws that are pertinent to the CQC.
Registering with the CQC is a mandatory requirement because all healthcare and adult social care regulations are controlled by the only independent regulator of care services, i.e. the CQC. Through their registration process, the CQC ensures that only those people and organisations who are judged to be ‘fit’ and are likely to provide and manage good quality care meeting the needs of the patients, are authorised to be a care service provider in England.
When and where to apply for CQC registration?
When a legal entity is starting a new service, for example, a new care home, hospital, dental surgery, GP practice or a home care agency, they must apply for a CQC registration. Moreover, providers also need to register if there is a change in the existing services of the legal entity.
To register with the CQC, an application needs to be made online using either the Provider Portal or sending the completed application along with supporting documents to their official email address2.
How to register with CQC?