Gallagher, in partnership with Doctors Indemnity, is launching a revolutionary new service for medical clinicians looking for professional indemnity insurance, tailored to the individual nature of their practice.
Professional Indemnity

Enabling quotes to be offered in a unique new way, the Doctors Indemnity product will enable clinicians to generate quote information via the Healthcode’s Private Practice Register platform (PPR), used by the majority of healthcare professionals in private practice to record client and practice information.

Clinicians will be able to use the platform to automatically access existing data and supply relevant and appropriate information, meaning they do not have to undertake lengthy manual identification and collation of business information that is usually required when obtaining insurance.

The data contained within a consultants’ PPR profile includes detailed practice information that feeds directly into the quote application in a consistent and reliable way, giving a high level of confidence and quality assurance in the data that will enable insurers to price and quote accurately for each individual consultant’s practice.

Doctors Indemnity will quickly supply an accurate bespoke quote and policy terms, and removes potential errors due to a manual process, and the otherwise heavy administrative burden on busy medical practitioners.

Gallagher employs a specialist medical malpractice team in the UK, and has a deep and broad understanding of healthcare professionals’ individual needs and expectations in medical indemnity practice. The team offers bespoke insurance and risk management solutions across the medical community.

Andy Foley, Managing Director, Medical Malpractice at Gallagher, said: “Through our partnership with Doctors Indemnity we are revolutionising the process for clinicians looking for insurance. Previously to get an accurate quote, clinicians would have to manually supply documentation to enable us to get a full understanding of their business and their insurance requirements.

“Through this partnership we are now able to remove many of the obstacles they faced and provide an automated and streamlined service. We work with a broad range of insurers so clinicians using the service can be assured that they are getting access to a wide range of cover and options.”

Lloyd Bowden, Director & Founder at Doctors Indemnity, said: “We are proud and excited to be in a position to offer doctors a highly professional and streamlined experience in accessing bespoke broking and insurance services through our partnership with Gallagher. We believe that Gallagher offers our clients an exceptionally strong and experienced service through its specialist medical malpractice team, and we could not be more confident in a business partner.

“This is a game-changing new initiative that will support raising the bar in the indemnity market whilst offering doctors optimum support, value and reassurance long into the future.”