The HSE has produced new guidance on how to keep lone workers healthy and safe . It is for anyone who employs lone workers, or engages them as contractors, including self-employed people.
Lone workers

The updated guidance contains:

  • a new section on how to protect lone workers from the risk of work-related violence
  • more information on how managers should keep in touch with lone workers
  • new advice on the impact lone working can have on stress, mental health and wellbeing

You must train, supervise and monitor lone workers , keep in touch with them and respond to any incidents. If they are working at someone else’s workplace you must ask that employer about any risks and control measures to make sure the worker is protected.

Risks to consider

Risks that lone workers may be particularly susceptible to include:

  • violence in the workplace
  • stress and mental health or wellbeing
  • a person’s medical suitability to work alone
  • the workplace itself, for example if it’s in a rural or isolated area

High-risk work

Certain high-risk work must not be undertaken alone and requires at least one other person. This includes work:

  • in a confined space, where a supervisor may need to be there, along with someone in a rescue role
  • near exposed live electricity conductors
  • in diving operations
  • in vehicles carrying explosives
  • with fumigation

Working from home

You have the same health and safety responsibilities for homeworkers and the same liability for accident or injury as for any other workers. This means you must provide supervision, education and training, as well as implementing enough control measures to protect the homeworker.

Would you like to talk?

If you have any concerns about your business or project please speak with your usual Gallagher representative. Alternatively, get in touch with the team using the below details:

  • Risk Management Team