Whilst personal travel is restricted due to the current lockdown in place, travel for essential work is permitted with thousands of hauliers continuing to carry goods to and from Europe every day.
Travel Insurance

The Port of Dover, the UK’s busiest port, has up to 120 ferry movements a day, handling up to 110 miles of lorries per day1 between them. Haulage firms have had to implement a number of new measures for 2021 and need to carry additional documentation2 when travelling to Europe, to comply with new legislation. With the pressures of complying with the necessary requirements, some haulage firms may not have recently reviewed their business travel insurance, or may not even have cover in place.

If you have drivers who will be travelling abroad, you should ensure you have business travel insurance for your staff, designed to help protect them in the event of an accident or work-related injury. Travel insurance can also offer protection against other situations including terrorism, riots and other security incidents.

Our experienced transportation team has been providing insurance for the haulage sector for over 25 years. We have a range of travel insurance solutions available for hauliers, so whether you are a small company or a large-scale operation we can help.

For more information please get in touch with your Gallagher representative.

Policy limits and exclusions may apply, please see policy wording for full terms and conditions.

1. https://www.doverport.co.uk/about/news/traffic-continues-to-flow-smoothly-through-the-por/13575/
2. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/vehicle-documents-required-for-international-road-haulage