Graham Turner, MD Bryland Protection Ltd, 2021
fire alarms and insurance

Because we have been involved in Fire Alarms and Fire Suppression Systems for over 50 years, we understand only too well how important it is to anticipate problems and to plan in order to prevent disasters from happening. So when it comes to our own risk management and insurance arrangements we like to apply similar disciplines.

When Gallagher approached us, to see if we would consider changing over to them as our brokers we questioned them about their capability not only to provide us with the widest cover at the best possible price, but equally important was their ability to efficiently manage the whole day-to-day insurance and claims process. I am delighted to say that they came up trumps on all counts and we moved our insurances to them as a result.

We now have renewed confidence in the integrity of our insurance cover because of Gallagher’s interrogation of the scope of our policies. They also negotiated hard with our insurers to maintain key elements that the insurers wanted to dilute.

The premium savings that Gallagher achieved were a welcome reduction to our overheads but the clincher for us was the important bolt-on upgrade to the claims handling proposition from their in-house claims team. Because of ‘lockdown’ the initial meetings between Gallagher and ourselves were held using Zoom, but if anything this seemed to streamline the process without taking any short-cuts.

We know that Gallagher have an excellent reputation in the insurance market and now we understand why. The confidence that they have instilled in us exactly mirrors the ‘service and confidence’ proposition that we offer to our own customers.