Following the events of 2020, the focus of risk management has been heavily on COVID-19 and meeting associated Health & Safety requirements, possibly to the detriment of all other risk management.
Housing Association

As a result of the issue of the Social Housing White Paper in November 2020 and the emerging regulatory changes as a result of the Grenfell enquiry, it is time to take stock of what we have learned and get risk management back on track.

The four key areas the webinar will cover:

How COVID 19 might have impacted existing risk controls: Unintended consequences of less “hands on” control during the pandemic:

  • How your risk controls may have been affected by furlough and lockdown.
  • What impact the pandemic hay have had on resident/third party created risk.

The Homes Act and the government white paper – increasing focus on documented and comprehensive inspection:

  • How legislation and proposed regulator changes are increasing focus on inspections and the data they generate.
  • How risks addressed by these actions may have been impacted by the pandemic.

The difficulty of carrying out documented inspections in a pandemic and how to plug that gap:

  • Have inspections been compromised?
  • If so, how can you minimise the damage.

The potential for increased claims during recession and the value of proactive management of the risk:

  • What claims might be attractive in times of economic hardship.
  • How damaging they can be to you.
  • How to reduce the risk of these claims.


This session will be presented by:

  • Matt Greenhalgh, Risk Management Consultant, Gallagher
  • Jodie Sheath, Account Director, Gallagher Housing

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