How to create a climate for your people to thrive.
Culture Change

Leadership attention is now focused on how business can bear the brunt of this situation for many more months. Consequently, the focus must certainly turn to culture and the opportunity this presents.

The challenges you will face are:

  1. Cultural tone – now, more than ever, leaders need to visibly demonstrate commitment to the purpose, ethos and values statements. Executives are under the spotlight to see if they really meant what they put on the walls of the building.
  2. Leadership climate – forced isolation and remote working represent big challenges in terms of motivating and leading people. Leaders need to adapt quickly to inspiring, communicating, motivating, coaching and developing people in a very different way to create a workplace where people want to invest in their work and their employer invests in their career wellbeing
  3. Ways of working – the tools and tech for remote team collaboration are there, but there’s a mind-set and behaviour shift required at every level of the organisation to truly drive team engagement, trust and performance.
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Sally Earnshaw

Managing Director, Culture Change Consulting