Law societyAs the cyber risk landscape continues to evolve, it remains a persistent threat to businesses across all sectors, including the legal industry.
This evolution is fuelled by the deployment of technology and digital transformation, introducing new vulnerabilities that can lead to significant financial losses and far-reaching consequences.

As a result, extensive cybersecurity regulations have been enforced to address these exposures, imposing new responsibilities on firms. This, in turn, poses challenges for firms to adapt to the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape and support their digital infrastructure effectively.


Cyber insurance

Mitigating the impact of cyber threats

Due to several factors such as access to sensitive client information, trade secrets and intellectual property, as well as frequent financial transactions and lack of cybersecurity awareness, cyber threats have become a growing concern for law firms affecting every aspect of their operations; these threats include ransomware attacks, GDPR compliance, interruptions to operations, reliance on third-party vendors, protection of sensitive information, and the impact of website attacks on revenue and reputation.

Our tailored cyber insurance policy solutions and comprehensive cyber risk management services have been specifically designed to help firms get back up and running as quickly as possible in the event of a cyber attack.


Cyber insurance

Our solution covers the following:

  • Breach Response Costs: Covers expenses related to data compromise, loss, or theft.
  • Privacy Regulatory Defence and Penalties: Covers legal costs for regulatory compliance post-data breach.
  • Security and Privacy Liability: Covers liability if sued due to a data breach by affected parties.
  • Cyber Extortion: Covers ransom demands from hackers to prevent data leaks.
  • Multimedia Liability: Covers liability from multimedia content, like websites or social media.
  • Cyber Business Interruption: Covers income loss from network disruptions.
  • Digital Asset Restoration: Covers costs to restore affected data (Digital Assets) post-breach.
  • Cyber Reputation Business Income Loss: Covers loss of earnings due to customer loss within 12 months post data breach or network interruption.
  • Systems Integrity: Covers replacement costs for computer systems impacted by a Security Compromise.
  • Manipulation or Misuse: Covers theft of funds/assets through third-party manipulation or misuse of computer systems.
  • Fraud: Covers theft of funds/assets due to reliance on fraudulent electronic or telephonic communications.
  • Phishing: Reimburses for unrecoverable receivables due to third-party impersonation.
  • Services Fraud Loss: Reimburses charges from unauthorised system use, including "Cryptojacking costs."
  • Reward Fund Loss: Reimburses payments for information leading to cyber-criminal arrest and conviction.
  • Corporate Identity Theft Loss: Reimburses losses from fraudulent electronic identity use.
  • Personal Financial Loss: Reimburses partners/members of the business for theft from personal bank accounts.

These are brief product descriptions only. Please refer to the policy documentation paying particular attention to the terms and conditions, exclusions, warranties, subjectivities, excesses and any endorsements.

Cyber insurance

Additional services and benefits

At Gallagher, our proactive risk management approach sets us apart, offering more than just standard solutions. We go beyond by continuously innovating and adapting our advice and products to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. Our cyber protection cover also includes additional services that ensure comprehensive protection for your firm. Bespoke policy tailoring and consultation available.

  • 24/7 breach hotline straight to a specialist lawyer
  • Court Attendance Costs
  • Bodily Injury / Property Damage Liability
  • Post Breach Response Coverage
  • Independent Consultant Coverage