Demands on Leaders have never been greater

Business as usual is yesterday’s news. What went before no longer exists, and the new normal looks very different.

This is what many of our clients are grappling with.

From Covid to the climate crisis, economic freefall to all-out war, it’s fair to say that the past couple of years have been intense. We’ve all found the recent disruption tough (and that’s the understatement of the century). Leaders, however, are only just starting to understand the scale of the challenge ahead.

  1. Trying to steady the ship after cataclysmic change
  2. Facing rapid growth
  3. Managing mergers and acquisitions
  4. Looking for a step change in performance
  5. Or (simply) trying to improve morale and inject confidence into Teams that have been isolated, overworked and under-resourced.

While keeping culture front and centre.

The good news is, we can help

Wherever your company’s heading, the ready-willingness of its leaders will be crucial to its success.

As for your people, they need in on the plan. In this disconcerting landscape, they want clarity on where you’re going, insight into what it means in real terms for them, and a genuine feeling of excitement about being part of big, meaningful change.

All of which means leaders need to be able to do four distinct things:

  1. Set the tone: by turning your strategy into a clear and inspiring narrative that helps people understand (and get enthused about) where you’re heading and why.
  2. Create the climate: by creating a climate where this story will spread, and where people have the space, support and focus to do the things that make the difference.
  3. Inspire the right mindset: by shrinking change so it feels manageable, inspiring high-performing mindsets and showing people what it takes to drive success.
  4. Encourage the right behaviours: by demonstrating exactly which behaviours are going to move the dial, clearly communicating and role modelling what you want to see.

Our expertise in this space

Future Legendary Service

Following a series of engagements in previous years, Nationwide Building Society came to us in late 2020 with a complex need to help them with a strategic change that required their people to align behind a radical role revision at Front line level. Our work has helped shift the colleague readiness for change from 2.9 out of 5, to 4.8 out of 5.

Creating a place where everyone wants to work, and nobody wants to leave

Covid pretty much decimated the hospitality industry, however Hilton seized the opportunity to make some changes that in pre-Covid days were simply pipe dreams. There was an overarching mission to make Hilton a place where everyone wants to work and nobody wants to leave, retaining existing colleagues and attracting new people. They needed to create a clear and compelling story that reflected their mission and they wanted to capture and articulate a series of specific service signatures that would ensure Hilton becomes the brand of choice for the discerning business and leisure traveller.

Our Positioning

Most of us hate change. Why? Because usually, in our experience, it’s confusing and scary and exhausting;

Except that feeling isn’t an innate feature of change. It’s a failure of leadership.

The first job of leadership is to set direction and tone. And to do that, you don’t just need to know where you’re going; you need to be able to communicate that journey, with a clear and compelling story that describes the what, the why and the how and then get the whole organisation aligned behind the direction of travel.

Our Approach

1. Create a clear and compelling story

Create a crisp, concise, clear and compelling story to deliver the why, what and how for your change journey. Our 5-chapter narrative process enables rapid build of a clear and compelling story that responds to the WHY, WHAT and HOW of your change.

Our very changing landscape

(The CASE for Change)
The external factors that are driving the need for us to change our organisation.

The state of the nation

(The CONFIDENCE in this team)
Where we are at and how we know we’ve got this.

The BIG ambition

(The CLARITY where we’re going)
Painting a vision for the future so that everyone is clear on the direction of travel.

What GOOD looks like

(The COMMITMENT to get there)
Mindsets and behaviours - how we need to all show up and deliver for our customers.

What’s in it for me?

(The CAUSE for us)
What it means in terms of flexibility, growth and why it will be worth it for our people.

2. Leaders who evangelise

Inspire Leaders to get behind the story and become evangelisers who can role model and bring it to life for their people.

3. Engage your organisation

Equip Leaders to engage the broader organisation with activities and tools so that all of your people are excited about your future direction, engaged and inspired.

4. Embedding toolkit

Designed for Leaders so they know how to ensure the new ways of working become part of business as usual.

5. Align the mechanisms

Ensuring all people touchpoints, from induction to performance management, align with the behaviour change you are looking to achieve.

Your people are aligned around the direction of travel and feel inspired, engaged and a little bit excited about the part they will play.

We are Gallagher – award winning leadership experts and practitioners. Our content is well known for being practically applicable in the live environment, and delivering sustainable results and is steeped in science, psychology, insight and research…

Leading Change Benefits

  • We are laser focused on ROI – and famous for moving whatever dial is most important to you across multiple people and customer metrics
  • We mean business – we get people involved, engage them in the job to be done, and hold them to account
  • Steeped in science, research and insight, our innovative, creative solutions are easy to grasp, and quick to become part of the fabric of how you communicate
  • With years of accumulated knowledge across multiple sectors and industries, we know exactly what’s required to identify the small changes needed to make a big difference