Culture Transformation

As Gallagher’s specialist leadership and culture practice, we’re passionate about helping organisations create a culture where people and customer experience thrives, and organisational performance is transformed.

With a 20-year track record in using culture as the lever to move the dial on organisational performance through the work we do with leaders, we know that whatever the problem is that an organisation is grappling with, the differentiator is Leadership.

Whether you’re...

  • Needing to lead and land change in the new normal
  • Manging mergers and acquisitions and need a new cultural blueprint to motivate and inspire existing and new employees
  • Wanting to be the best for customer service
  • Creating an inclusive culture to attract and retain the best talent
  • Needing to adapt to a digitally challenging landscape
  • Wanting to bring back some oomph
  • Creating alignment around your strategy

The answer will lie with your leadership

We have packaged up what we call the 9 things leaders do in the best organisations to create a culture where people are truly engaged, where customer experience delivers and where culturally the business is agile enough to constantly adapt and change as the landscape shifts.

Our Approach – 9 things that leaders do

Whatever the challenge you are grappling with, the answer will lie in a combination of 1 or all of the 9 things leaders do:

1. Create Clarity

Why clarity is important and a method for how leaders can inspire and engage people with the direction of travel.

2. Share Stories

People are 22x more likely to remember stories than facts and bullets; we enable leaders to become inspiring evangelisers, story tellers and communicators.

3. Show you mean business

Symbolic actions are critical to cultural change; our approach enables a high proximity, pragmatic and practical approach to role modelling and demonstrating commitment.

4. Shrink Change

Keeping people buoyant whilst navigating change is a new ‘must-have’ skill for leaders and we give them tools for building resilience in their teams.

5. Boost positivity

Supporting leaders with key tools to build a positive and motivating environment, with psychological safety at the core.

6. Clear the path

Based on the theory of marginal gains, a suite of tools to enable leaders to focus on the activity that will make the biggest difference and be laser focused on removing noise.

7. Give permission

Solid process accounts for about 80% of how things should work, the rest is about creating an environment where people know what to do in the ‘grey’.

8. Inspire mindsets

High performers think differently, fact. We bring high performance mindsets to your leaders (and colleagues) and give leaders tools to encourage more of them in their teams.

9. Nudge behaviours

Encouraging new behaviours requires more than just 1:1 performance reviews – our 10 step performance coaching method gives leaders a coaching hack for getting the new behaviours to show up.

The result? Your people are aligned around the direction of travel and feel inspired, engaged and a little bit excited about the part they will play.

We are Gallagher – Award winning leadership experts and practitioners. Our content is well known for being practically applicable in the live environment, and delivering sustainable results and is steeped in science, psychology, insight and research…

Leadership Development Consulting

  • Help leaders understand their role in shaping culture and driving organizational change.
  • Offer diverse delivery methods: face-to-face training, workshops, and virtual self-paced learning.
  • Utilize research-based approaches for leadership development and cultural transformation.
  • Provide targeted solutions with measurable impacts on reputation and finances.