Glider liability insurance
Glider liability insurance essentially provides cover against loss, damage or injury to third parties, including passengers, cargo, mail and baggage. Although different insurers may offer slightly different policy limits and definitions, they do not always provide cover for the pilot in command of a glider aircraft or the actual glider. Depending on the country of jurisdiction, it is often necessary to carry evidence of glider liability insurance onboard the aircraft at all times.
In the UK, it is a legal requirement for any aircraft flying to have a minimum amount of liability insurance. To see what the appropriate minimum amounts required, visit The limits are similar to the current EU limits. The minimum EU insurance requirements are set out in Regulation EC785/2004. Similar regulations apply in most other countries worldwide.
Glider hull insurance
Glider hull insurance policies generally cover the glider trailer and equipment needed in glider operations when there is an accidental loss or damage up to an amount not exceeding the agreed value. When the policy is arranged on an agreed value basis, the sum assured to be paid is predetermined.
The risks of theft or loss of glider equipment is also generally covered while it is inside or outside the airfield perimeter, inside the insured’s private domicile or its integral or adjacent garage or on secured premises where the insured normally keeps the insured glider and equipment.
If you need to discuss a claim with us please call us on 0800 612 2258.
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