Sarah Daley
Executive Research Director
Sarah Daley is the Executive Research Director at Research & Insights, a part of Gallagher's Human Resources & Compensation Consulting practice. Sarah manages the Employer Market Intelligence (EMI) annual syndicated research service. Each year, EMI includes four or more reports on jumbo employers' healthcare benefit trends, priorities and challenges, and cancer and biologics management. Sarah's EMI responsibilities include building and maintaining relationships with jumbo employers, developing surveys and interview guides, fielding the research, analyzing data, and producing research reports.
Sarah is an expert on employers and employer health coalitions. She is a resource for biopharmaceutical manufacturers and other healthcare stakeholders seeking to understand and collaborate with healthcare purchasers. Since joining Benfield in 2009, Sarah has also executed custom healthcare industry research projects and participated in a wide array of employer market initiatives and strategy development. Sarah is a skilled interviewer, writer, presenter and project manager.
Sarah earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Business Administration degrees from Saint Louis University.