Jason Smith
Principal Consultant

Jason Smith is a principal consultant with Gallagher's Human Resources and Compensation Consulting practice. He is based in Columbia, South Carolina, where he's responsible for attaining and leading broad-based and sales compensation client engagements.
Jason has been a compensation practitioner in industry since 2006 and joined Gallagher in late 2023 to put all of his experience to work for our clients. His past roles include compensation director at Gannett (USATODAY), senior compensation consultant at First Citizens Bank, compensation manager at Denny's and compensation manager at Palmetto Health (now Prisma Health). He has industry experience in media, advertising sales, restaurant/hospitality, healthcare, and banking industries. He also served as president of the Chain Restaurants Total Rewards Association (CRTRA) and an at-large board member of the South Carolina Healthcare Human Resources Association (SCHHRA).
Jason received a BS in business administration from the University of South Carolina. He holds four certifications from WorldatWork, where he is also a faculty member.