How can you build a more supportive workplace culture for all employees?

Dramatic rises in stress, anxiety and depression in the US are an increasing cause for concern that has far-reaching implications for employee health, motivation and focus. Providing more support for your employees' mental and emotional health issues brings real benefits to the organization — from improved employment rates and productivity to reduced anti-social behavior to increased engagement.

Identifying the link between physical and emotional health is a critical component to finding options that better equip your employees to address their wellbeing. With a data-driven consultative approach, the Physical and Emotional Wellbeing Consulting team collaborates with you to create a custom, comprehensive wellbeing plan for health promotion and health risk solutions.

At Gallagher, we view wellbeing as an integral part of your overall benefits and organizational strategy — not only to help manage health care costs, but to also attract, retain and engage your employees. With healthcare costs rising and regulations around wellness programs increasing, our approach allows you to thoughtfully leverage resources your organization already has in place today and uncover what may be missing from your offering. The Physical & Emotional Wellbeing Consulting team helps reset expectations for the outcomes of a physical and emotional wellbeing program by defining your goals and objectives, and aligning them with actionable data. We help clients in two key ways:

  • Establishing a wellbeing framework for organizations just getting started
  • Evolving an existing program or resources for organizations looking to take the next step

Integrated wellbeing strategy

At Gallagher, We take a strategic approach to wellbeing to help organizations evaluate and leverage the right mix of wellbeing initiatives.

  • Step 1: Gallagher will share insights from our bi-annual Wellbeing and Voluntary Benefits Survey to help set baseline expectations of what employees and employers have to say about wellbeing benefits.
  • Step 2: Gallagher will begin by gaining an understanding of what resources and initiatives throughout your organization are in place to support the wellbeing of your people, using Gallagher's Wellbeing Resource Inventory.
  • Step 3: After collecting feedback from your people, we partner with other Gallagher teams to develop a wellbeing action plan as part of your larger benefit strategy to achieve meaningful and measurable outcomes.
  • Step 4: Once we have a strategy, your Gallagher team will revisit your strategy throughout the year, evaluate action steps for change, monitor data, and proactively bring you relevant ideas and trends to continuously make your programs better.

We have successfully worked with clients of all sizes and industries to develop customized solutions that support each organization, wherever they are in their wellbeing journey.


Is Your Organization Thriving?

Explore the path to a wellbeing-driven workforce with our latest insights.

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The right resources at the right time

We can help your team to reduce the stigma attached to seeking help for mental illness, raise awareness of wellbeing resources to help build resilience and coping skills, and review workforce policies and programs so they better support employee health and self-care.

We help you efficiently deploy resources that will have the greatest impact on your overall employee value proposition. In doing so, we can help you select — or maximize — the wellbeing resources you need so your employees have access to the right resources, right when they need them. When your employees thrive personally and professionally, your organization flourishes.

How we can help:

Physical & Emotional Wellbeing Consulting

  • Assesses current wellbeing programs and initiatives that are in place to support the physical and emotional wellbeing of our clients’ people
  • Understands goals, resources, industry trends and carrier’s capabilities to create an impactful wellbeing program tailored to a client’s workforce
  • Collaboratively develops and implements a comprehensive short- and long-term plan encompassing health promotion and health risk solutions
  • Leverages a data-driven approach leading to measurable and meaningful outcomes aligned with a client’s program objectives