Exclusive Program Solutions team with you from start to finish
Gallagher Re Program Solutions is a dedicated team of full-time, agency-focused advocates located across multiple countries. We:
- Support the relationship between agency, insurer and reinsurer.
- Deliver product and capacity solutions for delegated authority platforms across the globe.
- Help agencies grow through in-depth analytical insight and product development.
- Offer innovative capacity markets and structures via binding authorities, delegated authorities, line slips, consortia and quota shares

Global reach yields unique depth across a breadth of services
When you hear Gallagher Re say we have global resources working for our clients, we mean it.
- Our Program Solutions team brings together global capital with risk bearing entities, offering clients the critical services through one global platform.
- We deliver industry leading analytics capabilities to a historically underserved sector.
- We leverage Gallagher’s global reach to deliver data-driven, bespoke solutions that serve as the catalyst to grow your business.

Gallagher Re Program Solutions team members are specialists in:
- Matching our global retail and wholesale distribution with our agency clients.
- Actuarial, catastrophe modelling, data science, data engineering & data analytics.
- Conventional & innovative solutions for MGAs, MGUs & agencies through product development.
- Claims, with dedicated team supporting clients throughout the claims process.
High-level competency empowering our clients to grow
From the origination of an entrepreneurial concept, we bring knowledge, experience and servicing excellence to ensure placement execution — to enable our clients to grow.

Significant placement expertise, reach and leverage
Our global Program Solutions platform includes significant insurance and reinsurance placement experience. Our brokers collaborate across markets and territories, to access the most appropriate capacity for our clients.