At Gallagher, we understand that all risks don't fit in a one-size-fits-all insurance box. Some risks require more complex or non-traditional solutions, while other risks might call for more frequent data collection and analysis to keep on top of evolving threats.

Whether it's risk or crisis consulting, transactional risks or alternative risk transfer, we have the breadth of experience and knowledge to provide innovative, comprehensive solutions to help your organization confidently face its future.

Risk Consulting & Analytics

Gallagher can provide a broad range of Risk Consulting and Analytical services aimed at enhancing our clients' risk financing and risk management practices. We have decades of experience working with major clients around the world — across a range of sectors — to implement sophisticated risk financing solutions.

Risk consulting is completely embedded within our broking business to ensure that the analysis and any recommendations can be discussed and independently stress-tested against what can realistically be achieved in the insurance market.

Our Risk Consultancy services cover the following:

  • Loss forecasting
  • Exposure and Natural Catastrophe modelling
  • Business Interruption exposure analysis
  • Financial analysis of Risk Tolerance
  • Captive consultancy and alternative risk financing
  • Automated Premium Pricing tools
  • Benchmarking studies to assess limits and deductibles
  • Premium Allocation support
  • Bespoke specialty models (satellite risk, cyber risk)


Alternative Risk Transfer

Risk transfer doesn't have to mean traditional insurance. Gallagher has particular expertise in Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) and non-traditional risk solutions, including bonding, capital solutions and captives. We can conduct feasibility studies to assess whether a non-traditional solution makes financial sense.

ART is a solution-oriented process that can assist a client to take control of their risk, reducing overall risk expenditure in the long term, increasing budgetary and cash flow stability, and enabling them to address otherwise difficult-to-insure risks, emerging risks or areas where traditional insurance capacity is unavailable.

Through a collaborative approach that brings in Gallagher experts in programme design and placement, risk advisory, risk modelling, actuarial, claims, and finance to analyse each transaction, we will design structured solutions that blend traditional and non-traditional markets capacity, coverage and innovation.


Gallagher Crisis Consulting

Global security risks are evolving at an accelerated rate, causing organisations to face greater external threats that require more sophisticated approaches to risk management and transfer.

Terrorism, criminality, war and cyber risks are evolving rapidly, meaning that the only way to stay ahead of these risks is to collect and analyse intelligence data to support key commercial choices.

We bring together talented consultants with a diversity of backgrounds and skillsets to help your business tip the balance from threat to opportunity by:

  • Collecting and analysing intelligence to support our clients in making sensitive and important decisions.
  • Advising clients on what they need to protect their business and their people — and then help them implement it.
  • Respond and investigate on behalf of our clients when crises occur, regardless of how difficult or dangerous a crisis might be.
  • Working with your lawyers and (re)insurers to provide risk and investigations advisory.
  • Working with insurance brokers and underwriters to better understand a risk before it's transferred to markets, model exposures across a portfolio and respond to claims.

Our services include:

  • Collecting information on active threats through monitoring, satellite imagery and Human Source Intelligence.
  • Increasing security and resilience through security strategy development and Event monitoring as well as training in crisis planning and continuity.
  • Helping clients enter challenging markets by understanding the wider landscape through Political Risk Consultancy and Due Diligence.
  • Working securely in hazardous jurisdictions and offering Trip Risk Assessments.

Responding to crime and other crises with litigation support, corporate investigations, asset tracing and crime response support.


Transactional Risks

Comprised of corporate lawyers, tax specialists, ex-mergers and acquisitions (M&A) underwriters and insurance experts, our Transactional Risks team works globally across mid-market (GBP10 million to GBP500mn) transactions in all sectors. We partner with corporate lawyers, mid-market private equity firms, corporate finance firms and institutional investors, and can also offer US-style coverage for UK law deals. The transactional products that we have the ability to place in the market include the following:

  • Warranty & Indemnity (W&I). This is the most frequently used product within the Transactional Risks marketplace. W&I insurance provides cover for breaches in representations and warranties given in the sale of a business. Sellers can cover themselves to prevent sale proceeds being tied up in escrow accounts. Buyers can ensure that warranties have real value even if the seller is unable to pay a warranty claim which arises sometime in the future.
  • Distressed M&A. Given the current climate, we are expecting more insolvent and distressed acquisitions/disposals. It is worth being aware of the key features of this synthetic product, as we have already seen it filtering through into certain sectors.
  • Global Tax Insurance. Given the uncertainties around domestic and cross-border tax risks, this product is being increasingly used to facilitate transactions.
  • Contingent Risk Insurance (CRI). CRI offsets the risks associated with specific and identified contingent liabilities that are capable of legal and/or accounting analysis.
  • Insurance Due Diligence (IDD). Our IDD team, which sits alongside the M&A team, can draft reports for deals in all sectors and jurisdictions. The team also can help draft insurance warranties that are deal appropriate.

To complement and support the insurance products our Transactional Risks team advise upon, our in-house M&A claims team represents our clients' interests, and where appropriate, looks to leverage our position in the market to get claims paid.


Parametric Solutions

Parametrics provide an alternative form of risk transfer providing additional capacity for your business. It is tailored to your business’s unique risk profile and can provide swift financial protection based on specific, predefined event parameters. Unlike traditional insurance, which relies on lengthy claims processes and physical damage assessments, parametric solutions are designed for speed and efficiency, ensuring that you receive financial support when needed.

Parametric solutions can help cover non-damage business interruption. This includes cover for:

  • Uninsurable perils or asset classes, including supply chains
  • Pure economic losses not caused by damage to physical assets
  • Excluded or sub-limited losses
  • Events where quick access to cash is critical to recovery or liquidity

Gallagher’s team of parametric specialists can support your business to:

  • Match your insurance capital to your specific risk profile
  • Use a parametric solution to complement your traditional insurance, providing additional cover for natural catastrophes and weather events
  • Understand what risk to retain and what to transfer through our analytic capabilities
