Our obligation to provide information according to Art. 45 VAG

Arthur J. Gallagher (Schweiz) AG, Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) Limited and Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited are insurance intermediaries subject to supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA (registration numbers F01043709, F01063118 and F01273360, respectively). With the following information, we fulfill our obligation to provide information in accordance with Art. 45 VAG.

a. Identity and address:
Arthur J. Gallagher (Schweiz) AG, Rieterstrasse 6, CH-8002 Zürich, Switzerland.

Commercial Register of the Canton of Zurich, Company Identification Number: CHE-108.666.574, Legal form: Joint-stock company, Commercial Register of the Canton of Zug, Company Identification Number: CHE-106.718.846, Legal form: Joint-stock company

b. As independent, non-tied insurance brokers, Arthur J. Gallagher (Schweiz) AG and Verbag Versicherungsberatungs AG regularly broker insurance contracts for various insurance companies.

c. All insurance services offered by us are negotiated with multiple insurance companies, unless only one insurance company offers the respective insurance coverage. When submitting an offer, we inform our clients with which insurance company we have negotiated.

d. Based on a broker mandate and a cooperation agreement, we provide our services. Unless otherwise agreed, we are compensated by customary commissions from insurers and pension funds. Upon request, we disclose the amounts received from third parties, as well as our expenses charged accordingly.

e. Our advisors responsible for concluding insurance contracts are registered with FINMA in accordance with legal provisions. The registration can be viewed through FINMA's intermediary portal. This registration, and its requirements, ensure that the advisors possess the specialized knowledge (education and training) required by the legislator in accordance with Art. 43 VAG in conjunction with Art. 190f. AVO, and that you can obtain information about it.

f. In case of negligence, error, or false information in connection with our brokerage activities, both Arthur J. Gallagher (Schweiz) AG and Verbag Versicherungsberatungs AG can be held liable. Please address your complaints in writing to the management:

Mr. Nepomuk Loesti, Arthur J. Gallagher (Schweiz), Rieterstrasse 6, CH-8002 Zürich, Switzerland.

Complaints Team, Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) Limited, The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London, EC4N 8AW.

Complaints Team, Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, Spectrum Building, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow, Scotland, Scotland, G2 7AT.

g. We are responsible for all personal data provided to us by you or third parties. We collect and process information about you in order to conclude insurance contracts and handle claims. In addition, your data is used for business purposes such as fraud prevention and detection, as well as financial management. This may involve the disclosure of your data to third parties, such as insurers, reinsurers, other brokers, claims handlers, claims adjusters, credit reference agencies, service providers, professional advisors, regulatory authorities, the police and government agencies, or fraud prevention agencies.

Under data protection law, you have the right to request information from us about the data we hold about you, the purpose and legal basis for processing it. You can also request information about the categories of personal data processed, the individuals involved in the collection, and the recipients of the data. You have the right to correct or delete incorrect information or to prohibit its disclosure to third parties.

For the purpose of monitoring and improving the services we offer, we may record telephone conversations. For more information on the use of your data and your rights in relation to it, please refer to our privacy policy at AJG Schweiz (www.ajg.com/ch/).

If you provide us with personal data of another person, you must inform that person accordingly and provide them with a copy of this statement.

h. When entering into an (re)insurance contract, insurers may request information on matters that may be relevant to their risk assessment. You must answer the insurers' questions correctly and completely. You are also required to provide details of any special circumstances that may be significant to the insurers in their risk assessment. If you become aware of incorrect or incomplete risk information, you must immediately notify the insurers. Otherwise, a contract may be considered invalid or non-binding. If the subject matter of the contract changes ownership, you must notify the insurance company. If you file for bankruptcy, you must inform the insurance company immediately. The aforementioned duty to describe risks is the obligation prescribed by Swiss law and required by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). If your policy is not subject to Swiss law, you are expected to disclose risk information in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law. Under such circumstances, we expect you to disclose risk information at least to the standard required by Swiss law, and if the applicable law requires you to disclose information beyond the level required by Swiss law, you must provide this information in accordance with the respective law.