We can provide general liability insurance to protect your business in the event of a claim made against you by a customer, employee, and member of the public or other third party.

A range of covers to suit your needs

General liability insurance provides cover for public injury and damage claims. It can also cover a range of other liability insurance products including employers' liability and product liability.

If your business prides itself on delivering a high quality product or service, more often than not you'll have a long line of satisfied clients and customers who will come back for more. But what if something goes wrong? It could leave you facing a potential third-party claim. That's when having a suitable level of business liability insurance in place can be so important.

Our risk management advisors will help guide you through the wide range of general liability insurance covers from our insurer panel, with some that include exclusive enhancements, including:

With public liability insurance, you have protection if you're at fault for an injury or damage to a client or member of the public. In certain industries it can be essential to have this cover in place before you can commence trading and if a third-party claim is made against you, public liability insurance may cover all or some of the legal costs associated with defending a claim.

The cost of business liability insurance coverage versus the impact of managing the financial impact of a claim means public liability insurance can make all the difference for many businesses.

Do you design, manufacture or supply products? This form of professional liability insurance is an important consideration. It doesn't matter if you sell, rent or donate a physical product to someone. If it's faulty and causes injury or damage, you could be held legally responsible. If you didn't directly make or manufacture the product yourself, you may still be liable to pay damages, even as a third-party supplier.

Products liability cover offers a layer of protection from the cost of compensation if a claim is made against you, subject to the scope of insurance purchased.

Recommended for companies with one or more employees, as employers are responsible for the health and safety of all employees while at work. Employers' liability insurance will help safeguard your organisation should an event occur.

We work with customers across industries — from sole proprietors to multi-national companies ranging from:

  • Retail shops/stores and complexes
  • Hotels and Bed and Breakfast establishments
  • Apartments, villas and other rental properties
  • Events and concerts
  • Restaurants/sports bars
  • Office risks
  • Property owners (both commercial and residential)
  • Light industry/manufacturing risks

Why choose Gallagher

As your trusted insurance partner, our extensive knowledge of general liability insurance and risk management combined with our underwriters with Lloyd's of London, enable us to tailor a level of coverage to reflect your specific needs. By doing this, you could have added peace of mind and value for money that can matter so much when trying to get ahead.

General Liability Insurance Summary

  • Tailored cover under one policy
  • General public and products liability insurance
  • Employers' liability insurance  
  • Protection from the expense of compensation claims  

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