Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) is designed to protect your business from claims brought by third parties, typically your clients, alleging they have suffered financial loss as a result of the provision of your professional services. Let us help you face your future with confidence.
The risks involved in operating a business can cause a significant financial burden if you do not have the right protection in place. If you are providing professional services you require Professional Liability coverage also known as Errors and Omissions (E&O). Even if you haven't made a mistake, you may still have to fight a claim.

A few examples of claims for which E&O could provide coverage include :

  • Correcting a mistake
  • Costs & expenses incurred whilst defending the claim or settling a claim
  • Some E&O policies offer cover for intellectual property, dishonesty, defamation and loss of documents

Find the problem before it becomes a problem. We can help you identify and prevent potential losses.