Gallagher works across provinces to provide best practices in hospitality

Gallagher provides high-level experience, analytical capabilities, and a consultative approach focused on hotel partners' needs. We work with the unique needs of brand franchised hotel properties and mixed-use facilities in Canada to provide access to the right markets and provide the most comprehensive coverage.

Hospitality experts whose partnerships power results

Our team in Canada serves everything from the largest global hotel brands to boutique and landmark hotels, with local experts backed by our global access to the best markets, analyses, and services. Gallagher's relationships with underwriters give us the ability to not only place business but to have first-hand knowledge of trends for proactive planning and protection.

Protection solutions for the entire spectrum of hospitality exposures

From cyber - attacks to natural disasters, protecting hospitality businesses from risk exposure has become increasingly complex. We will help you identify contractual, natural, cyber and other risks that are potential threats to your business. We offer programs to limit your exposure and maximize ROI.

  • Management liability — Executive and director liability as well as employment practice liability are just a few of the key areas we review for coverage gaps.
  • Cyber liability insurance — We analyze your cyber liabilities exposure due to digital accidents such as data breaches, privacy loss and network outages.
  • Crisis resilience — We consult on your preparedness, such as terrorism and active shooter training and audit coverage gaps, to offer solutions for more robust coverage.
  • Claims advocacy — We work directly with carriers throughout the claims process for better outcomes. We are the only major broker to provide this level of service and detail at no additional cost to you.

Our multidisciplinary approach begins by building a strong partnership with you. We learn about your hospitality insurance needs upfront to help us find the best markets and to leverage carriers to design an insurance and risk management program specific to your business.

Robust risk analysis for better coverage

Our process is designed to provide a stronghold of coverage from consulting through the delivery of service. We go beyond looking at the surface of your insurance program to deliver true comprehensive risk management. Our process includes:

  • Uncovering uninsured and underinsured losses, contractual liability and coverage gaps. We conduct interviews, and review contracts and financial reports with your organization stakeholders. Our process takes a holistic view of your operation, including employee practices, professional services, and even automobile coverages, to ensure no stone is unturned and all gaps are uncovered.
  • Claims and loss control. Our dedicated claims and loss control advocacy group extensively reviews your legacy loss information. We then develop claim mitigation and loss prevention programs to safeguard your business.
  • Program structure and insurance premiums. We design a program that meets your current needs while also being flexible enough to grow and expand by providing multiple options inclusive of various programs structures, coverage, limits and pricing.

Hospitality Insurance and Consulting Summary

  • Ability to connect to global underwriting markets for competitive pricing and placement
  • Dedicated claims advocacy team providing assistance at no additional cost
  • Quantitative analysis and benchmarking for better insights into your total cost of risk
  • Contract and coverage analysis that uncovers gaps

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