Snowstorms and extremely cold temperatures can interrupt your business. Planning for business continuity and storm recovery can help minimize business interruption, mitigate your risk and safeguard your employees' wellbeing.

Gallagher has advice for preparing your business before severe winter weather and recovering afterwards, as well as guidance for filing an insurance claim for damage related to a winter storm.

Plan your business's safety before a winter storm

Planning can make a big difference in staying safe during a winter storm and resuming business afterwards. Start by talking to your Gallagher advocate to understand what's covered with your current policy and to make sure you have appropriate coverage.

Emergency response team and business continuity planning for winter storms

Awareness and preparation are key to minimizing your risk during a winter storm or extreme cold. By understanding your vulnerabilities and properly planning, you can reduce the effects on your business. The best protection is to have a solid natural disaster plan in place in case a major winter storm hits.

Preparing when a storm is predicted

When a storm is predicted, take steps to prepare. Review the detailed winter storm preparedness checklist and our Blackout Preparedness guide. Here are additional reminders:

  • Keep heaters, de-icer, snow-removal equipment, generators and other cold-weather equipment where you can reach them easily when needed.
  • Check unused buildings or spaces to ensure the heat is on, so pipes don't rupture.
  • If power failure occurs or lines go down due to heavy ice, contact the hydro company.
  • Notify staff and corporate of the incoming storm.
  • Help all staff leave the facility, especially those with disabilities and special needs.
  • Ensure employee vehicles and equipment are fueled.
  • Drive only if necessary
  • Limit time outside and wear layers of warm clothing. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia and begin treatment right away.
  • Avoid overexertion when shoveling or plowing snow.

Recover after severe winter weather

Once it's safe to return to your business, you can begin the process of returning to normal operations.

  • Keep walkways, parking lots, driveways and doorways clear of ice and snow. Use a de-icer on paved surfaces and exterior stairs, and monitor often to make sure they remain safe. Display signs warning of icy conditions.
  • Inspect your property for immediate dangers, such as falling snow and ice. Cordon off hazardous areas.
  • If possible, inspect the roof for damage.
  • Check for downed trees and branches, especially on power lines, vehicles and buildings.
  • Check the interior for burst water supply pipes.
  • Notify your local government if street drains are clogged, which can prevent runoff from melting snow from draining off the street.
  • Complete an incident report and forward pictures to your supervisor, corporate office and insurance agent.

While organizing your post-storm recovery for your business, review your emergency plan and update as necessary. If you used any item in the disaster supply kit, restock it with items on the Disaster Supply List.

Also, review your Natural Catastrophes: Preparing for Business Interruption and Extra Expense Claims list for how to assess possible business interruption impacts, as well as potential claims coverage. Lastly, complete any mitigation items as directed by your insurance carrier.

File a commercial insurance claim

After you assess the damage, provide the inspection information to your Gallagher broker or claims advocate. You can also provide the Natural Catastrophes: Preparing for Business Interruption and Extra Expense Claims list.

It's important that your Gallagher broker or claims advocate receive this information as quickly as possible.

Claims Resources for Commercial Businesses

Claims Resources for Small Businesses

Starting a commercial insurance claim for winter storm damage

The claims advocate must have as much detail as possible to initiate a commercial insurance claim and begin an investigation. If possible, provide before and after photos or videos.

Claims process for commercial insurance: What to expect

Throughout the claim investigation process, please reach out to your Gallagher advocate with specific policy and claim questions. During this high-volume claim-reporting period, you should anticipate the following:

  • The adjuster assignment and initial contact may take some time. Some insurers may use adjusters under contract rather than staff adjusters, so the adjuster's contact information may be different from expected.
  • Access to the affected areas may be limited for some time after the winter storm.
  • Competition for labor and materials may be high, which could affect the timeframe and costs associated with repair and remediation.
  • Work closely with your adjuster. If you have questions regarding the resolution process, your Gallagher advocate is here to assist and ensure you're in control of the claim process.

Your policy and your insurance company's website will have important information about how to handle claims and manage losses. To summarize your policy details, use the Policy and Claim Reporting Information Directory.

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