Record levels of inflation have sent property and asset values soaring and insurance levels are not keeping pace.
This means the insurance coverage and sums insured values you had last year may not be enough to protect your business property and assets today.
Consider these factors and the potential impact on your business:
- Your business property and assets are constantly changing in value. Your business is growing, you might invest in new equipment, take on a new tenant, upgrade your premises or increase your inventory.
- With inflation, there is a growing gap between the insured value and the actual reinstatement value of your business assets.
- With a claim, this value gap can cause problems as the claim payment may be lower than the actual cost to reinstate your property!
This issue is what we call the Value Gap in Business Underinsurance and we are urging you to take action now to protect your business.
Guide: How to protect your business property and assets against underinsurance
Read our guide to find out how your business property can become underinsured, the impact it could have on your organisation and how you can protect your assets!