When choosing a real estate agents insurance provider, it's critical to look at more than just the cost of the premium. You should also consider the overall package, including what claims service and advice is available to you.

Our team of real estate agents insurance specialists know the industry inside out, which ensures you receive the assistance and support you need to make informed decisions about your insurance.

Gallagher offers a tailored Real Estate Agents Professional Indemnity insurance solution, which was created exclusively to protect your interests.

What's included in our Real Estate Agents PI insurance

Cover is subject to the policy terms and conditions. Exclusions and sub-limits may apply.

  • Two automatic reinstatements of your limit of indemnity
  • Cover for cyber risk, data protection, privacy and breach of confidentiality
  • $500,000 cover for employment practices liability
  • $250,000 cover for statutory liability
  • $500,000 cover for loss of documents
  • $250,000 cover for costs of official inquiries
  • $100,000 of fidelity cover
  • $100,000 cover for reputation protection expenses

Landlord Insurance

If your business activities include property management, we can offer you the option of distributing our landlord insurance solution to your property owners.


Additional landlord insurance solution for property managers

Landlord insurance is designed to provide cover against:

  • Defined natural events
  • Accidental and malicious acts by tenants
  • Legal liability and loss of rent

It is even designed to cover the legal costs in chasing unpaid rent and the removal of rubbish that tenants leave behind.


On top of our real estate agents professional indemnity insurance, we can also look after all your other insurance needs, including:

  • Public liability
  • Business/office insurance
  • Cyber insurance
  • Management liability
  • Motor vehicle
  • Workers' compensation
  • Strata insurance
  • Business travel insurance

Why choose Gallagher

  • Local expertise, global strength
  • Priority claims service to support and guide you if something goes wrong
  • Real estate specialists that get to know the risks you face
  • Access to exclusive products like Real Estate PI

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