There are a range of ways to improve wellbeing at work, and developing the right strategy starts with asking for input from those who matter most — your people.

Wellbeing is feeling emotionally and physically healthy while experiencing fulfilment and purpose at work. A well-designed workplace supports your employees' wellbeing and can lead to better business outcomes.

Our workplace wellbeing index is a holistic and powerful survey that helps you get the full picture of your workforce. We've combined the critical drivers proven to contribute to employee wellbeing and its associated business outcomes. By identifying the drivers of wellbeing in your workforce, your organisation can develop strategies to manage psychosocial hazards and to support your people to thrive. Ultimately, these strategies will have a bottom-line impact on productivity, performance, and engagement at work.

How does your organisation compare?

We run Australia’s largest wellbeing survey to give you the insights

Access the report
Employees with high wellbeing are twice as likely to go above and beyond.1

Measuring the critical drivers

Our holistic survey considers life or personal factors and measures multiple aspects of people's life, such as financial stability, social connections, and physical health.

It examines organisational factors and measures aspects of the workplace environment that help or harm employees, such as bullying and harassment, workload, leadership, change management, and connection to the purpose and values.

Additionally, it assesses the level of awareness and importance employees place on your benefits and wellbeing strategies.

These measurements all drive an understanding of an employee's emotional and physical wellbeing as well as their sense of purpose at work, which in turn affect business outcomes such as productivity, engagement, retention and absenteeism.

Powered by an expert team

Led by our team of PhD and Masters qualified psychologists, Gallagher provides a fully managed workplace wellbeing index program. The survey can be run on its own or used to measure the impact of your existing wellbeing initiatives.

  • Your choice between a full ten-minute survey, or a shorter five-minute pulse survey
  • The option and flexibility to customise survey items
  • Customisable communications templates to engage your people and encourage survey completions
  • An action planning session to share insights and recommendations for improvement
  • A clear plan of action to enable your organisation to build on its strengths, address risks, and make meaningful change

Why choose Gallagher

  • Led by a team of PhD and Masters qualified psychologists
  • Compare your organisation against Australia’s largest wellbeing survey
  • Flexible and customisable survey and communication options
  • Action planning to ensure you make the most of your insights

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