In an increasingly competitive talent market, many organisations are turning their attention to their employee value proposition (EVP) as a way to better find and keep top talent.

The importance of an EVP

Organisations need to look beyond salary and benefits when it comes to attraction and retention. People value an employer that meets their individual needs and expectations.

With many organisations lacking an EVP strategy, working with experts to develop one can provide a competitive advantage.

Only 67% of employees are intending to stay at their organisation for the next 12 months.1

What is an EVP?

An EVP is the give and get between an employer and its people. It is the promise that convinces people to join, and the lived experience that motivates them to stay. It encapsulates all the factors we weigh up when evaluating an employer.

Importantly, the internal employee experience of working at an organisation must match the external employer brand. Delivering on candidate's expectations will support their commitment, loyalty, and performance.

An EVP must capture the realities of the organisation today, their ambitions for tomorrow, and demonstrate what is in it for each person, both personally and professionally.

How can we help?

Led by our interdisciplinary team, Gallagher can provide an end-to-end EVP solution or targeted help for wherever you are in your journey. We partner with our clients to research, assess, and design their EVP, implement benefits packages, and create compelling communications to bring it to life.

There is no one size fits all approach

What people are looking for differs across industries, organisations, teams, and their individual circumstances and priorities. It is also dynamic, with the reasons we join being different to the reasons we stay.

It is vital to consider people's life stages and other key demographic factors, as staff are likely to have different challenges and needs depending on their stage of life.1

Unlock the potential of a compelling and relevant EVP for your organisation today.

2024 Workforce Trends Report

See what 2,400 Australians value most from an EVP.

Access the report

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