Need to make a Personal Accident Insurance claim?
Step 1: Download an Australian Baseball League Personal Accident Claim Form.
Step 2: Complete each section of the claim form. Please be advised that incomplete claim forms may cause a delay in processing your claim.
Step 3: Please return your personal accident claim form and supporting documentation to the appointed claims handlers, Corporate Services Network. You can return your claim form via post, email or fax:
Corporate Services Network
GPO 4276
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: (02) 8256 1770
Fax: (02) 8256 1775
Step 4: Corporate Services Network will confirm receipt of your claim form and advise whether they require further information. For assistance with your Personal Accident Claim Form please contact Gallagher Sport.
Note: While Personal Accident insurance cannot consider any cost for an expenses Medicare can pay a benefit, if you have a Private Health Fund they may be able to assist with covering some or all of the Medicare Gap as they are excluded from the laws that prevent this insurance paying a benefit for Medicare claimable expenses.
It is required within this policy that if you have a Private Health Fund that you must submit the Non-Medicare medical expenses to them first before claiming under this policy.
Need to make a Travel Insurance claim?
In the event that you need to make a Travel related claim, please notify the team manager (if appropriate) of the loss immediately and request that the loss is reported to the organisers (if appropriate).
Members not participating in a team should contact Corporate Services Network (CSN) on +61 2 8256 1770 directly. You will need to quote your policy number which is:
Australian Baseball League Policy number — 2023068227
All incidents of theft or disappearance of property must be reported to the local police with 24 hours.
Make a note of the circumstances at the time, and list all items that are missing, this will help you when you fill in the claim form. Notify Baseball Australia and/or Gallagher Sport as soon as possible and claim form will be sent out which must be completed.
Should you require emergency assistance whilst travelling or any matter including medical matters or guarantees of payment, please call Arch Assistance, anywhere in the world, reverse charges, 24 hours a day:
For 24/7 Emergency Medical or Travel Assistance
Call: +61 (2) 8016 9226
Or email:
Please quote policy number:
Australian Baseball League Policy number — 2023068227
Need to make a Property Insurance claim?
In the event of a property claim arising, immediate notification should be given to Gallagher Sport who will help you through the claims process. In the event of large losses an assessor may be appointed to review and assist.
For all other insurance
If an incident or loss occurs, you should contact Gallagher Sport as soon as possible.
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