Before approaching your next business insurance renewal, reassessing if your protections remain not just adequate, but optimal, provides many key advantages.

Gallagher recommends undertaking an insurance review, it's completely confidential. It begins with asking you the questions that count and in doing so, we gain a deep understanding of your business. After which, we'll be able to guide you on how to navigate the potential risks you face, and which insurers to potentially partner with, so you can confidently prepare for whatever the future holds.

When to conduct a review of the business insurance program can include:

  • Business changes — growth, premises changes, gaining or losing employees, updated processes and customers industry factors — regulations, legal exposures or trends that give rise to future risks, innovations (eg: driverless transport).
  • Shifts in markets and customer base, including new competitors, customers/ clients and their service expectations.
  • Business operations — adoption of new technology, privacy of data and intellectual property.
  • Financial stability, turnover, cash flow and cyclical influences.

Why partner with us

When it comes to adding value for our clients, what makes Gallagher different? Our people. We take your risks and your programs personally, and we always strive for the best results, whether we're consulting, brokering the best possible deal or making sure a claim outcome goes beyond ordinary expectations.

At Gallagher, our expertise spans nearly every industry, and leverages data and analytics tools to create the right program for you today, as well as the right plan for a stronger tomorrow.

Why review ahead of renewal

  • Assess the quality of your insurance cover
  • Identify gaps in your cover
  • Address exclusions in your policies
  • Alert you to new risks in your operations
  • Ensure you're responding to new emerging exposures
  • Review insurer's and assist with securing optimal coverage
  • Unlock potential savings and advise on payment options
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